Friday, July 8, 2011

The Hope Chest

Hope Chest ~ a chest or box in which a young woman keeps things (such as silverware and linen) that she will use after she gets married []

   When I turned 13 my parents paid for the supplies and my uncle hand-made a hope chest for me.

   I don't have very many things like "silverware and linen" yet, but the things I do have are very special to me.  I can worry about that other stuff when I'm a little closer to marriage.  My grandma made this baby coat, and I wore it home from the hospital.  Now I'm saving it for her great-grandchildren.
   I wore these boots when I was really little, and they're so adorable!  I hope the next little cowgirl enjoys them just as much.
   When I was flower girl in my cousin's wedding I wore this tiara.  Love it!
  Early this spring I went barefoot on the bus for One Day Without Shoes, and I got my first pair of TOMS.  The shoes are being put to good use, but the flag and super cool shoe box are in my hope chest. (Any ideas for what to do with a TOMS flag?)
   Other things I'm keeping in my hope chest are photos, some of my favorite artwork, old journals, and pillow cases my grandma made for me.  My very favorite books will go in, when the time comes.  Whatever I want to have when I get married.
   Do you have a hope chest?  What's in it?  Do you want one?  Have any questions?  Comment!

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