Have you ever wondered why people listen to sad music they're sad? I mean, what the heck? It doesn't make sense. Why would we do that to ourselves? It just intensifies the sadness. Right?
Well, I realized something while I was sitting here at my computer feeling stupid for listening to sad music when I was sad. Listening to other people sing about their loneliness makes us realize we're not the only ones who've been lonely. Listening to someone sing about their tears makes us realize we're not the only ones who've cried. Listening to other people sing about their pain makes us realize we're not the only ones who've been hurting.
That's the thing about depression. It convinces you that you're alone. It says that no one understands, no one can help, no one cares. Depression isolates you. It wants you believe that no one else is struggling like you are.
So here's what I want you to know. Depression is a liar. You are not the only one. There is hope. There is so much hope. And there is help. And there is still good.
I want you to know that you are not alone.